Saturday, July 28, 2012

Olympic Champions endorse Yoli

Olympic Champions Carl Lewis 

and Bryan Clay endorse Yoli

Yoli is shaping up to be one of the most exciting companies for you to check out.  
Watch as Corey interviews Carl Lewis and Bryan Clay on why they have 
chosen to sponsor Yoli FUN.
First, Yoli Founder, CMO, Corey Citron, interviews 9-time Olympic Gold medalist and Athlete of the Century Carl Lewis, on why he has aligned himself with Yoli and is endorsing Yoli’s FUN. The sport drink and energy drink you deserve.


Next, Corey interviews Olympic Gold Medal Decathlete, Bryan Clay, on his decision to sponsor FUN.

Now available in Yoli Australia and Yoli Malaysia.

Are you still trying to figure out if you want to be a part of the Yoli family? 
Visit us today @

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Here is something to think about. 
The average adult spends about $16/day or $480/month on food. 
(U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2006 Consumer Expenditure Survey) 
Between the grocery store and fast food, we spend much more money on food than we realize, 
and we often don't make the healthiest of choices.

Here are some of the top weight loss programs costs and the average weight loss.

Cost: $305-$545/month
Average weight loss of 1.4-1.6lbs per week

Jenny Craig:
Cost: $500-$675/month
Average weight loss of 1-2lbs per week

Cost: $300-$350/month
Average weight loss of 2-5lbs per week

Yoli Better Body System:
Cost: $279/month
Average weight loss of 7-15lbs in 1st Week!

This is one reason people love the 100% All Natural Better Body System! 
Are you ready to start your 30-Day Better Body Transformation today?

You can even get your Better Body System FREE each and every month by referring just 3 people!!
Find out More @

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Olympic Champions and families enjoy Yoli Alkalete

From Olympic Athletes to Amateur Marathoners:Real People with Real Results

I have discovered an all natural safe solution to rid the body of acid. Alkalete is the powerful. I believe so much in the alkalizing power of this product that not only do I consume it every single day, but I am actively promoting it to the world." Carl Lewis, 9 Time Gold Medalist & "Athlete of the 20th Century"
Alkalete has truly changed my life in regards to athletic performance and recovery. I started running two years ago and I was very sore. This was before Yoli. I now have a full marathon and three half marathons behind me. While using Alkalete, I have found my times to continue to decrease and my recovery to consistently be quick and with little to no soreness. This is very different than my seasoned running buddies. A few running friends have decided to use Alkalete and now they too are enjoying more energy, better performance and a quick recovery. " Heidi C – Stafford, Virginia
I used to be a jittery, stressed out, worn out, wreck! I learned that stress is one of the biggest causes of acid in the system. No wonder people under a lot of stress seem to have more health challenges. I started using the Alkalete on a daily basis and I noticed I was feeling calmer, more focused, and I just felt more balanced than I had in a long time. I don't know what came first, the acid or the stress, but when I started taking Alkalete to reduce the acid in my system my stress went way down too." Kurt L – Seattle, Washington

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Yoli Better Body System

What is The Secret Behind Weight Loss?

Yoli Australia now has the Yoli Better Body System

To lose weight in a proper healthy manner, we need to consume energy from fat.
Our body burns calories for energy; these calories are from the
macro-nutrients we include in our diet, fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
Carbohydrates are our immediate source of energy; they break down into sugar,
and the excess is stored as fat. We have a limited source for Proteins and that
should be the last source of energy we consume, it is vital for lean muscle mass and
hormone production. Fat is the most concentrated source of energy.
We basically store it more than we use it, and that’s where the problem lays.

So how do we get the body to use Fat as its primary energy source?
Use The Yoli Better Body System and turn your body into a fat burning machine!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sponsorship money from the drug industry

Drug Industry is Infiltrating Supposedly "Independent" Media Outlets

The Australian newspaper has reportedly accepted an
undisclosed amount of sponsorship money from the drug industry
for a series of health policy articles.

The drug industry spends nearly twice as much on promotion
as it does on research and development, and part of this
promotion includes hefty advertising dollars that allow the
industry to dictate editorial policy.

The drug industry also uses their marketing and
lobbying dollars to influence medical science,
published journal articles, and government policy.

Drug companies are the BIGGEST political lobby,
and political lobbying is one of the primary reasons why the
drug companies are controlling nearly every
facet of the health industry.

As journalist Ray Moynihan recently reported in the British Medical Journal:

"Just as many doctors contemplate an end to their dance with drug company marketers, a fresh new crew is stepping lively onto the floor: journalists and media organizations looking for easy ways to fund their reporting, travel, and education.

The BMJ reported … that the Murdoch empire's flagship newspaper in
Australia has accepted an undisclosed amount of sponsorship money from
the drug industry for a series of articles on health policy—and that the
idea arose from a meeting between advertising agents.

Defending the deal, the Australian's editor said that independence and integrity were maintained; but as others pointed out, this new form of financial closeness between journalists and the companies they scrutinise raises real concerns."

This is really not surprising considering that that media mogul Rupert Murdoch's son, James Murdoch, is a member of drug giant GlaxoSmithKline's (GSK) corporate responsibility committee (a position he entered in May 2009). His job? To review "external issues that might have the potential for serious impact upon the group's business and reputation" -- a position he's well suited for …
James Murdoch, as you may know, is the chairman and chief executive of News Corporation Europe and Asia, and chairman of BSkyB.
I can only imagine the extent to which drug makers can benefit from having a media mogul on their payroll, as well as "sponsoring" media content on health policy. Clearly they've thought this one through, and it makes perfect sense when you consider the clout they need to keep the media quiet

By Dr. Mercola

Monday, November 28, 2011

Aspartame- NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful & Equal Measure

Aspartame - be aware.

Aspartame is the technical name for the brand names
NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, and Equal-Measure.

Aspartame was approved for dry goods in 1981 and for
carbonated beverages in 1983.

Aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the
adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA.
Many of these reactions are very serious.
A few of the 90 different documented symptoms
listed in the report as being caused by aspartame include:
Headaches/migraines, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness,
muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue,
irritability, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss,
heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks,
slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo,
memory loss, and joint pain.

According to researchers and physicians studying the
adverse effects of aspartame, the following chronic illnesses
can be triggered or worsened by ingesting of aspartame:
Brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome,
parkinson's disease, alzheimer's, mental retardation, lymphoma,
birth defects, fibromyalgia, and diabetes.

Aspartame is made up of three chemicals: aspartic acid, phenylalanine,
and methanol. The book "Prescription for Nutritional Healing,"
by James and Phyllis Balch, lists aspartame under the
category of "chemical poison."

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Which Energy Drinks and Fruit Juice is Better?

Is Yoli Energy Drinks and Fruit Juice Better?

Why does Yoli add the highest quality dry ingredients to water.
The benefit of this as you may already realize, beverages which are
pre mixed must, for health and safety purposes go through
pasteurization before they can be sold and consumed by the public.
The process of pasteurization heats up the product to a temperature level
which will sufficiently destroy any bacteria or pathogens. The unfortunate side of pasteurization is that many good nutrients are also destroyed in the process.

With Yoli the ingredients have not been pasteurized but freeze dried, a
process that preserves vitamins instead of destroying them by heating them up.
Also, consider beverages can sit in storage and on shelves for weeks or
months losing even more nutritional value before being consumed, .
With the Yoli delivery system makes it possible to enjoy your beverage fresh, while it’s still at its peak and full of vital nutrients. The ingredients are kept separate from the water until you are ready to enjoy.

Yoli Inc., states they use the freshest ingredients available.
According to the label, the drink is packed with all the ingredients we’re hearing so much about lately; It has 100% vitamin C & Zinc and between 25% – 50% of over 17 other vitamins and minerals. It contains other ingredients like Goji, pomegranate and Acai. They have an ingredient called Alkalete which is a ph enhancer and no artificial sweeteners. Instead they use Stevia Reb-A which is a natural plant based sweetener. It even contains Resveratrol. The ingredient in wine stated to have so many positive anti-aging effects.

Click Here for proof - Yoli is Better
Now available - Yoli Australia and Yoli Malaysia